Hello! I’m often asked what sparked my passion for acupuncture and East Asian medicine. My first experience with acupuncture was for a painful pulled muscle in my shoulder. After one treatment, I was honestly surprised how acupuncture relieved the pain so drastically. Many years later, as I struggled with the death of a loved one, acupuncture helped me through my emotional pain. These experiences together with my deep love of exploring the healing philosophies of various cultures led me to this incredibly effective method of healing.
I am from the Pacific Northwest and Bellingham fits me perfectly. I love our community and am so grateful to live here with my husband and two daughters. Acupuncture prepared my body for pregnancy and supported me through two uncomplicated, drug free births. I want to share what I have learned through my own experiences, education, and obstetrics mentorship with my patients.
- BA in global studies from the University of Washington, Bothell.
- Master’s in Acupuncture from the Seattle Institute of East Asian Medicine.
- Licensed Acupuncturist # AC60703776
- Certified by the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and licensed in Washington state
- Certified by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) for addiction and emotional trauma
- Invited speaker at Trauma and the Opioid Crisis: Coming Together to Advance Prevention, Care, and Recovery, Yakima, WA. ~ 2019